Thursday, March 29, 2018

Love: Extend the Heart

Extend the heart
Bow the Ego

When we love someone, we love because we feel loads of love in our hearts. 
Only collected  love inside us allows us to give away love.
If I say I love you, it means love is accumulated in me, the feeling of love, and that's why I'm able to give love.
I must have love in me first to be able to give.

"The opposite of love is not hate.
Hate is just Love gone bad.
The actual opposite of love is 
apathy. When you don't care 
a damn as to what happens to
the other person,"

Relationships are based on inner happiness. 
When fixing a connection it's important to increase 
the feeling of love with in. 

Often we can't heal relationships, because of our ego.
When egos are in the way, it's important to know the energy behind the flavors of the ego.

The many flavors of the ego:
Superiority complex
Inferiority complex
Guild feelings
feelings of being Victimized
being Defensive
being Aloof 
Attacking anyone

Feelings like: to interrogate,  feel the poor me, bully others, silent me, can be fount back in the above list.
These are all wrong ways of asking for attention,  and therefor doesn't add to harmonious relationships.

To bow the heart, it's important to recognize flavor and transcend it.
For the sake of the relationship, the sweetness of harmony. 

Transcending the ego and bow the heart is one of the most beautiful way of making peace with one and other.
Don't let love go bad. Transcend and increase  love.
Love, increased the heart can bow lower.

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