On this beautiful Thursday
June 21st is an awareness day for Yoga. It happened to be also Summer Solstice day- when our Earth's tilt more towards the Sun.
What a Lovely time to devote to the Self with in the self- at least a start intuit direction-
Perhaps one day, we all may practice Yoga and direct our selfs towards light, just like the Earths’ tilt towards the Sun. Light is what we need. Life is possible when there is Light.
Yoga is a tool to become light;
to be caring; to be kinder; to be completely compassionate; to live in harmony; to encourage humanity; to be grateful; to safe animals- they are also beings, to rise up from ignorance, to be royal- when talking to insane behaviors/samsaras; to remain calm even you see garbage; to love- not as male & female- but as in prema (Hindi word as in harmony with one & other);
to walk on the path of just & knowing your place in this universe: knowing & living ones duty(Dharma) -only when one knows his/her duty in life- only then he/ she will be able to live well- there is no need to fight for rights then.
This path of yoga is all about patience, tolerance, humility, humanity, to be able to sit next to any human being(no matter what status/prestige, rich/ poor, tall/ short, fat/ thin, black/ white, with or with out a degree Friend/ Enemy), right Karma & Dharma... this path makes you a better human being.
This tool called yoga is to nourish the soul so one becomes a living light of The Creator.
There are many yogas:
Bhakti yoga
Kriya yoga
Jñana yoga
Hatha yoga
Ashtanga yoga
Hatha Yoga
Raja Yoga
Dhyana yoga etc.
But when all yoga meet at once it transcends all of our own demons into Angels- all our inner enemies in to Friends...that’s how our self transformers into a beautiful reflection of the Creator/ with differences/in harmony.
Once we have learned to bend we have arrived Home.
That’s the moment in time we stop: judging, lecturing, looking down on anyone, we stop killing, hoarding,hating, yelling, pointing fingers, playing the victim me, interrogating an other, defending our ego, attacking others, being discussed, holding grudges, etc etc.
Because the tool Yoga is a powerful blessing to do the inner work. All true enemies are inside us.
When we realize this, we become free & we live together in harmony with all our differences.
We realize we were all that time: ONE
Bending takes time to practice...
you become what you practice.
Yoga is a wonderful tool to engineer our soul/Mind & Body- to discover the light within.
The product of yoga is lived through many lovely acts:
Here are some:
•The Yamas
Ahimsa — Sanskrit for non-harming
Satya — Sanskrit for honesty
Asteya — Sanskrit for non-stealing
Brahmacharya — Sanskrit for wise use of sexual energy- Celibacy- When the Creative energy flows up to the top of the body.
Aparigraha — Sanskrit for "non-possessiveness
•The Niyama
Saucha— Sanskrit for purity
Santosha" — Sanskrit for contentment
Tapas — Sanskrit for self-discipline
Svadhyaya" — Sanskrit for self-study
shvara pranidhana — Sanskrit for surrender to a higher source, Divine.
This Posture: Sirsha-asana - The Head-stand.
It took me almost 1.5 years to practice this posture-
Btw yoga is not about the perfect posture- it’s about the practice.
While practicing this particular Asana I have broken a wall, learned to fix it, the how to balance the body, the core, etc. while doing the technical aspect of this posture, there was much clearing happening from the inside... it’s a long process but the out come is humbling....